FLIPPO Magazine
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children’s newspaper workshops
For severals years since 20018 I had the pleasure to accompany the beautiful and very alive children’s magazine ‘FLIPPO’.
During this time I documented workshops, events, exhibitions and also the magazine itself.
During this time I documented workshops, events, exhibitions and also the magazine itself.
“With the help of our project, children can experience helping to shape the world and at the same time learn ways for their personal access and individual development in it. They learn to express themselves creatively and in a way that is understandable to others. This is a basic competence for communication and social participation. Every child is included, regardless of origin and religion, with or without special needs.
The children take part in the process of newspaper creation from the beginning to the end. The main goal is to develop forms of expression together with them, by means of which they can visualize their thoughts and inclinations in different ways. The artistic project leaders accompany and mediate the process. At the same time, they help to translate the children’s personal expressions into a generally valid form of expression.
The children learn that their voice is heard and that they are part of social thinking and action. At the end of each project period, a newspaper is distributed free of charge throughout Leipzig and the rest of Germany.”
The children take part in the process of newspaper creation from the beginning to the end. The main goal is to develop forms of expression together with them, by means of which they can visualize their thoughts and inclinations in different ways. The artistic project leaders accompany and mediate the process. At the same time, they help to translate the children’s personal expressions into a generally valid form of expression.
The children learn that their voice is heard and that they are part of social thinking and action. At the end of each project period, a newspaper is distributed free of charge throughout Leipzig and the rest of Germany.”
more information of FLIPPO Mag about current courses, events and all participants. Have a look!
technical specs
Initiator & Organisator: Wiebke Steinert
Photography & Documentation: Maxi Richter
Team: Franziska Eichhorn, Frido, .., and many more.
Support, Location & Host: GfZK Leipzig
Photography & Documentation: Maxi Richter
Team: Franziska Eichhorn, Frido, .., and many more.
Support, Location & Host: GfZK Leipzig

“We believe in the creative examination …
… of the world surrounding us. “

FLIPPOs goals:
With the help of our project, children can experience helping to shape the world and at the same time learn ways for their personal access and individual development in it. They learn to express themselves creatively and in a way that is understandable to others. This is a basic competence for communication and social participation. Every child is included, regardless of origin and religion, with or without special needs.
The children take part in the process of newspaper creation from the beginning to the end. The main goal is to develop forms of expression together with them, by means of which they can visualize their thoughts and inclinations in different ways. The artistic project leaders accompany and mediate the process. At the same time, they help to translate the children’s personal expressions into a generally valid form of expression.
The children learn that their voice is heard and that they are part of social thinking and action. At the end of each project period, a newspaper is distributed free of charge throughout Leipzig and the rest of Germany.
The children take part in the process of newspaper creation from the beginning to the end. The main goal is to develop forms of expression together with them, by means of which they can visualize their thoughts and inclinations in different ways. The artistic project leaders accompany and mediate the process. At the same time, they help to translate the children’s personal expressions into a generally valid form of expression.
The children learn that their voice is heard and that they are part of social thinking and action. At the end of each project period, a newspaper is distributed free of charge throughout Leipzig and the rest of Germany.